Oil museum
We participated in the renovation of the Oil Pavilion at VDNKh by designing 7 installations for the showrooms. Each of them in one way or another tells about oil, its meaning for us and its place in our everyday life.

Learn about the role of oil in the current world through technological solutions at the junction of the digital and physical world. With the help of this installation, the visitor can find out which items of his clothing and accessories contain oil products.

Technology and innovation

Oil is not only electricity and petrol, it is also used in medicine and alternative energy, and the second installation clearly demonstrates this. The guest chooses an object (a heart printed on a bioprinter, a biosensor or part of a solar battery) and finds out how oil makes it possible to produce these objects.

The "Transport" tells about where, besides the tank, you can find oil and refined products in cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. The element of visitors' engagement is included: you can sit on a motorcycle, start the engine, change the backgrounds from urban to natural landscapes and feel the tailwind.

Motorcycle Parts
In an imaginary garage, the visitor assembles a motorcycle and at the same time learns what materials and how are produced from oil.

Oil in everyday life

Quest through the virtual space of the apartment, where you need to find and highlight household appliances created from petrochemicals

Map of the world

The multimedia stand introduces maps of oil fields, regional centers of the oil industry and talks about the role of LUKOIL in the development of the scientific and social sectors of the economy.

Oil footprint

Using the principles of gamification, the installation covers the topic of social responsibility when using oil products, and also gives simple tips to optimize and reduce our "oil footprint".


Short educational videos help the visitors to remember some interesting facts about how oil was used in different historical periods.


With the help of binocular and archival materials, we recreated the hall of the 1950s-1960s with documentary accuracy. Looking into our binocular, the visitor will learn how the exhibition hall looked like in Soviet times.

The Oil Museum today is a new interactive platform within VDNKh. This is a large and ambitious project aimed at raising visitors' awareness of the importance of oil. This is especially of our interest in the "green age", when we strand for rational consumption of resources.